Net bag
A detailed pattern on how to crochet a storage bag or string net bag. Such a crocheted bag can be used for different purposes: as a fruit, as a bag for washing, as a gift bag, for storing solid shampoo, and much more.
For crocheting, you can use any yarn and a suitable hook. I am crocheting the bag of YarnArt Jeans yarn color 05, hook 3 mm. My yarn consumption is 70 grams.
Video pattern for beginners crochet net bag
- ch – chain stitch
- dc – double crochet
- sdc – split double crochet stitch
- st – stitch
- R – round
- (…)*… – repeat sequence in brackets … times
Make a chain of an odd number of ch (I made 59 ch). Make 5 ch more (they will form the first square in our pattern).
R1: dc in the 6th loop from the hook, (ch, skip 1 ch and in next ch crochet dc) * repeat to the end of the chain. (ch, dc in the last ch of the chain)*3, Continue crocheting in the opposite side of a chain (ch, skip 1 ch, dc) * repeat to the start of the chain. ch, skip 1 ch, dc in next ch, (ch, dc in the same ch)*2, ch.
Make an invisible joining of the round (video: time 4:52)
R2: 2 ch, sdc in the first st of previous round, (ch, sdc in the next st of previous round) * repeat to the end of the round. Make an invisible joining of the round.
Repeat the R2 until the bag is the desired height.
Cut the yarn and invisible fasten off (video: time 7:59). Hide the ends of the yarn.
Crochet 2 cords slightly longer than the width of the bag. I crochet a caterpillar cord (video: time 9:38)
Thread the cords into the last round of the bag and tie the ends of the laces in a knot.
Congratulations! The bag is ready!
I will be glad to see your work. When you post finished toys on Instagram give a link to my profile @zenknit_toys, so I can see them and repost to story.
More on my pattern shop.
If you have any problems crocheting, please contact me through the feedback form or leave a comment on the article.
Hello, is the Split Double Crochet mentioned in this pattern the same as a split half double crochet? I can’t seem to find any reference to a Split Double Crochet online to learn how to do it.
Hello Christine, look at the video time 5:31
Also this stitch and be called Center double stitch.
More detailed video in English: